Saludos a todo aquel que haya llegado a este territorio. En él quiero mostrar mis creaciones para el juego de mesa BANG! En Director's Cuts quiero recrear en el BANG! grandes momentos de grandes películas.
Espero que este sitio sea de tu gusto y os permita tener horas de diversión.
Un saludo.

miércoles, 2 de enero de 2019


Hace ya siete años desde que empecé este proyecto, y no deja de sorprenderme que aún sigue recibiendo visitas y elogios. He actualizado los enlaces para que podáis seguir disfrutando con mi trabajo.

Un cordial saludo para todos, y una CERVEZA

14 comentarios:


  2. Como puedo conseguir esta expansion?

  3. ¿Podrías subir toda la expansión en un solo enlace? He rebuscado por todo el blog para tenerla completa, pero no estoy al 100% seguro de haberme descargado todo bien.

  4. Muchas gracias, estos escenarios y personajes le dan mucha variedad al juegos...

  5. Hey :)
    Same here, I would like to have this expansion and to probably print it for myself and my friends. Please, can you please provide the materials? Pretty please? :)

  6. Fántastico trabajo,
    La expansión el Valle de las Sombras (2015) incluye personajes con habilidades muy parecidas a los tuyas.
    Seguro que les "inspiraste".

    Muchas Gracias.

  7. Me asombra tu trabajo, es espectacular. Me encantaría poder jugar con tu expansión algún día. Gracias por talento e inspiración :-)

  8. Burnas, ya he escrito un comentariojajaj aun asi quiero decir q esas cartas son muy buenas, pero son jdg y por alguna razon me salen en mala calidad. Si tienes el archivo en pdf o png y podriais pasarlo seria genial

  9. Boa noite! Parabéns pelo trabalho realizado. Eu particularmente amo esse jogo e quanto mais coisas adicionadas o jogo fica melhor. Se tiver mais expansões não deixe de nos avisar. Forte abraço.

  10. Hello guys. I was fascinated to this expansion and decided to translated it into English and Korean. Today, I complete the translation. Can I share it somewhere? (I changed the event font from perdido to playbill. That would more fit to the original BANG!)

  11. Here's the sample of them

  12. *I am also making another BANG! unofficial expansion called BANG! Brawl.

  13. Hello, I like this expansion so much, it has a lot of interesting ideas and seems well balanced (instead of many others I've seen on the web). I like the drawings of the cards, they fit the original style so well; some of them are clearly edits of the original images but others seem to be brand new. Since I am creating my own custom cards I would like to ask you who painted your images?

    Only the characters cards seems too much realistic with the style (many of them seems you took some original photographs and traced their outlines).

    Some rules I would like to be simplifed, for example AMIGO FIEL: I guess that sharing the cards for both of your characters would be a better solution. So you have 2 characters with 2 different abilities and separate lives, but only one group of cards that you can use for one OR for the other character and the one who has more lives determine how many cards you can have in hands at the end of the turn.
    Also since I prefer realisting situations, I would also fix the ACCIDENT card that after the first weapon has exploded the card is out of play (it is irrealistic that many weapons can explode in almost the same time). Of course mine are just some suggestions based on my personal tastes. Still haven't read all the cards but is plenty of great content here. Would be good to see this one released as an offical expansion, they really should "discard" their ego and admit this is a good one that is worth a publishing!

  14. No sé si eres el verdadero creador del juego aunque me fascina tu creatividad y compartir tus trabajos realizados. Muchas gracias por mi amigo que me dio conocer esto siendo así como estoy visitando su página.

    Adoro el juego!

